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Jamar Finger/Toe Tight Hinge Goniometer - Blue

  • Measures DIP range of motion in small joints
  • 2° increment scale
  • Readings range from 30° of hyperextension to 120° of flexion
  • Latex-free

Jamar - The Gold Standard

Jamar has been the gold standard in hand and grip strength evaluation for over 40 years. Trusted by physical therapists, occupational therapists and certified hand therapists, Jamar comes from the original Sammons Preston family of products.

Manual Goniometer

The Jamar Finger/Toe Goniometer is a manual goniometer designed to measure range of motion and dexterity in small joints. The simple design enables easy patient measurements. Use to measure range of motion, movement improvements, and dysfunction in patients.

Ideal for Small Joints

The long arm of the of the goniometer, at 3 ¾” clears the wrist for accurate placement. The short .75” arm allows measurement of the DIP range of motion. Readings range from 30° of hyperextension to 120° of flexion with +/- 2° accuracy. The tight-fitting hinge enables the therapist to read the goniometer after it’s been removed from the finger.




Diagnostic & Evaluation

46 In Stock

  • Measures DIP range of motion in small joints
  • 2° increment scale
  • Readings range from 30° of hyperextension to 120° of flexion
  • Latex-free

Jamar - The Gold Standard

Jamar has been the gold standard in hand and grip strength evaluation for over 40 years. Trusted by physical therapists, occupational therapists and certified hand therapists, Jamar comes from the original Sammons Preston family of products.

Manual Goniometer

The Jamar Finger/Toe Goniometer is a manual goniometer designed to measure range of motion and dexterity in small joints. The simple design enables easy patient measurements. Use to measure range of motion, movement improvements, and dysfunction in patients.

Ideal for Small Joints

The long arm of the of the goniometer, at 3 ¾” clears the wrist for accurate placement. The short .75” arm allows measurement of the DIP range of motion. Readings range from 30° of hyperextension to 120° of flexion with +/- 2° accuracy. The tight-fitting hinge enables the therapist to read the goniometer after it’s been removed from the finger.